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How To Film Weddings

Feb 25, 2019

Boy oh boy, do we have a treat for you today! Having White in Revery on the How To Film Weddings Podcast means that we have officially arrived. We are officially rock stars. Don't worry, our heads aren't getting too big over here. We will probably go from dozens of listeners to several dozens of listeners.

But in all...

Feb 18, 2019

Hold onto your Cowboy hats, we have another Texan on the Podcast today! Nick and John sit down with the man himself, Jordan Bunch, to catch up and talk about all of the things that he is doing these days.

Entrepreneurship runs through his veins. He is always building a new brand, or working on getting more business....

Feb 11, 2019

Do you ever feel like you are just editing all of the time, you don’t have any fresh ideas, and that your films suck? Yeah, we do that too. You’re not alone. What it really comes down to, is that you have to make sure you don’t get yourself stuck in a rut. You can’t just look at what others are doing, and say...

Feb 4, 2019

Not going to like, I (John) was a wee bit nervous to interview Patrick Moreau, from Muse Storytelling. To me, he is sort of a legend. Not only has the guy done so much for the wedding industry with tutorials, and story telling. But he has filmed some of the most incredible stories that the world has to offer. His...